Capital adventures

By marchmont

Polling Day

I woke quite early because the sun was shining in, but I drove to the pool. Sheer laziness.

Then once home went to vote, strangely in the Kirk, not the Halls. 11+ years living here and my first time in the Kirk, but if course no photies allowed. That was followed by checking E's plants before coming home to do two webinars. 

Then off we went to the Manor to check shoes (too small) before heading to The Papermill for lunch. Just as well there were two of us. I would never have managed on my own. 

After lunch we went in past Pavers at Dobbies and finally got Mum shoes and I bought a gift for gf#2.

Dropped Mum home and then #2 sun went off to his gaffe to do some more DIY. I did some work, bought snacks for later, watched Hampton Court Flower Show and then the really moving, and funny, interview with Andy Murray.

Now 30 minutes to close off the polls and the  start of what may be a long night, although it might not! 

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