Capital adventures

By marchmont

Gone west

No swim as I woke too late, which was just as well as the guy came to replace the handles at 7.40, just as I was about to get up.

Spent the morning completing yet more personal admin. I'm going to complete the list soon. Tried to make an appointment which resulted in a call later to say that the info given to me on Monday was completely incorrect. Sigh.

Headed west early pm with #2 son in the driver's seat. Very pleasant afternoon and evening at Y and G's though would have been better not straying into the political arena given the education situation. 

Interesting drive home with 2 diversions off the M8. Drove though places I've never, ever been to before. Home at nearly 10.30 but it was still light. 

Still cold, 9 deg this am and not much warmer tonight. 

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