
By carliewired

88 F/ 31 C

The heat of summer
is coming on - so I will 
be hiding from it


I surprised myself this morning by sleeping in until 6:30. That made my jaunt this morning something of a mad scramble to get out and back before most of my world was up and moving. 

I took the nearest location of the Rivers Trail in Westmount. I walked the smallest portion along the north river where I can see the railway bridge. When I arrived, the freight was rumbling into the station on the east side of the river. The cars are heavy so they rattle and bang over the trestle. I never want to walk under line when there is a train in motion there. I know the line is over a hundred years and has never failed, but I'm not walking under it! 

I got the before and after photos of the railway bridge on the North Thompson, called it good and headed for home. 

Hot weather is approaching. We've been warned of sizzling days ahead. Getting out early in the morning will become very important as I hide from the heat. 

Wifi is back in my house. A parcel arrived in the mailbox yesterday. My daughter had it up and running in a few minutes. (She had to rearrange the living room, including a bookcase, because the new, short cable did not connect in the former location.) So, by 4 PM I was connected to the world again. 

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