Monday and another week. Drove to the pool to find yet another change: the slow lanes had been converted into open water, for the duration of the school holidays?  A slight panic when I couldn't find my NEC before I went off to Roseburn, on a paid bus, for a sesh with le coiffeur. When I came out the gale spoilt the effect somewhat, but there was sun. 

2 buses home as I stopped off in Princes Street to buy a cheap plastic raincoat in preparation for tomorrow. The barriers are going up in the Royal Mile in preparation for Wednesday's Royal event. 

Quick lunch, a finding of the NE Card (in Thursday night's handbag) and then luckily the expected delivery arrived just before I went to Halford's. Unfortunately they couldn't sort the AC but I did buy a summer dress in Next! Filled up the car. The price of petrol is coming down. 

Did some work with job adverts and paying bills and then realised if forgotten to do my own banking admin. Tomorrow.

Dinner and then more WDYTYA which morphed into 2 eps of DNA journey. I also ordered a new kettle to be collected in Cumbernauld on Friday but not luggage scales or garden stakes. Then it was bedtime and I realised no blip. Thanks Willow for obliging. 

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