
By Grammy

Blazing Star Liatris Spicata

Today was our prep day for our next jaunt. Hubby cleaned our camping grill so it will be ready. Then he headed to the base to pick up meds. He helped me tie up one of my tomato cages; that plant has gone wild! The liatris are blooming in the garden around our gazebo. I cleaned up anything out of place inside and rounded up non-perishables for our camping menu. This is a short trip so we only have to prepare two dinner meals. I will pick up a rotisserie chicken for Friday. We’ll grill steak on Monday and go out for dinner Saturday after Mass and Sunday after a full day of lacrosse. I did two loads of laundry and ironed every piece needing it. We have “lacrosse uniforms” of sorts that were dirty from last weekend’s tourney. They are ready to go again. We found an on line cake auction last night and could not resist bidding. Sales benefit a local rescue squad. We like supporting those volunteer organizations. I completely forgot about it today until bidding had ended. I won two of the four cakes we bid on. Hubby went to pick them up while I ironed. We will take the sour cream pound cake to WV later this month. I’ll share the yellow cake with chocolate frosting with my sister and BIL when we go over to celebrate the 4th of July with them tomorrow. Hubby took me grocery shopping for everything we need except the last minute purchases that we’ll grab Friday on the way to Charlottesville. We will rest for a bit. I am on doggie duty tonight at Jamie’s. They are taking the boat to watch fireworks. Raven is terrified of loud noises so I will hang out with her in case anyone in the area sets off fireworks. It will give me a chance to check journals and read a little. Hope you found some down time today. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by. “In my garden there is a large place for sentiment.  My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams.  The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.” - Abram L. Urban

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