
By Teasel

Street Lamp

The weather forecast wasn’t fabulous for today, so I didn’t risk dressing for summer.  That was a good decision, as it was wet when we got into Edinburgh this morning and  pretty grey for most of the day, although it did brighten up later in the day.
However the office was freezing, really really cold.  I can’t believe it is the first day of July – it certainly doesn’t feel like summer. 
It was a day of catching up, and moving some stuff on, and a big meeting this afternoon, that turned into not such a big meeting and didn’t last nearly as long as it was scheduled for – which was a benefit.
I popped out at lunchtime, as I needed to get moving in an effort to warm up.  Edinburgh city centre was unbelievably busy – just so many , too many perhaps, people.
I caught the same bus home as TT, and we had leftover curry for tea – it was delicious.  Later I popped out to the supermarket, but it was closed.  The boys were watching more football.
An emergency blip of a typical new town lamp in Edinburgh city centre.

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