
By esiuol

Cruise day 4 - Lerwick, Shetland

We headed into Lerwick on arrival to stock up on supplies for the day then got the local bus to the drop off for Sandsayre Pier. After a wee wander we boarded the ferry over to the Isle of Mousa, an uninhabited island situated at 60 degrees north. Mousa is an RSPB Nature Reserve home to important breeding colonies of seals and seabirds including the extraordinary storm petrel. You will only see storm petrels in the evening but we did hear their very weird calls from a stone wall where they currently spend the daytime on their nests.
There were lots of other birds to see including Arctic Tern, Great Skua, Gannets, Puffins, Wheatear, Fulmar, and the wonderfully camouflaged Ringed Plover in my blip.
The Mousa Broch is another big reason to visit the island, it is the best preserved Iron Age tower in existence and a very impressive structure to visit, if only blip would allow me to add an extra!

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