
By RadioGirl

Tiny Tuesday - Bits and Pieces

After being completely knocked off schedule yesterday, today has been a day of bits and pieces. I called my sister to ask if she could come over tomorrow and help with some sorting out, which she will do. I’m aiming to empty out some more of the furniture that is to be offered as donations to charity. I told her what the current state of play is with the sale of the flat, and also messaged my older niece with the same information. However, because there have now been *so* many upsetting false dawns, I’ve decided not to say anything more about it to anyone else until it’s a safely done deal.

I did a proper job of vacuuming up the dust that was created yesterday by the blinds fitter on the windows and carpets. Then I made up some more cardboard boxes with tape ready for tomorrow. I’ve just finished carefully bubble wrapping and boxing up the last piles of Mum’s antique china ready for the auctioneers. To be honest I don’t think they’re going to fetch very much, but I promised Mum that we wouldn’t just give it away, and a promise is a promise.

Thank you to isbi for hosting the Tiny Tuesday challenge for July, with today’s theme being ‘something from a box or drawer of bits and pieces’. These are some little bobbins from what we have always called “the machine drawers” in a desk which houses Mum’s electric sewing machine. The drawers contain all sorts of sewing paraphernalia, and having gone through them all several weeks ago I knew I would find something to blip for the challenge. At some point soon I’ll be getting the machine fully serviced in the hope of using it once again. These bobbins would have been wound on it decades ago, because it hasn’t worked for more than twenty years. Another tangible little link with Mum which makes me smile.

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