
By RadioGirl

Wide on Wednesday - ‘Shadows’

Phew, what a day!

My sister came over to help me with getting things done at the bungalow in preparation for the big move (I will tell you the date when it is 100% definitely confirmed). First we got all the stuff out of the drawers under the double bed that I have been using for the past ten years. This went into various cardboard boxes and a different drawer in a wardrobe which I’m keeping. Then we emptied out and swapped over two bedside cabinets so that I could keep the small one and donate the bigger one to charity. As you can imagine, moving furniture meant a huge amount of dust and cobwebs (cough, splutter) so I got very sweaty wielding the vacuum cleaner.

At this point we stopped for a break, I changed out of my grubby work clothes, and we walked up to The Exchange for some lunch. It was lovely to see Jan and Linda there, who we used to see a lot but who hadn’t been around for ages.

Fed and watered, we returned to start hauling the big furniture around the lounge in order to swap the dining and sitting areas to the opposite ends of the room. We also somehow managed between us to lug the big pine desk out of my current bedroom into the lounge and put it in situ according to my plans. All the time I was vacuuming and dusting and getting even sweatier. Finally we manhandled the old tube television and broken Humax box out of a corner unit ready for the tip (veritable clouds of dust went up from that - yuk!). The corner unit will also be donated to charity. By now it was time for my sister to leave for home, with a big hug and many thanks from me.

After a little sit-down, I took some side tables out to the garage and finished vacuuming and dusting. My bedclothes had got covered in dust too (we actually lifted the desk across the bed in order to get it out of the bedroom), so the whole lot had to go in the wash. At gone 11pm, and having finally eaten some supper at 9pm, I’m just about to finish making the bed up again! I’m exhausted but happy that we’ve got so much done. It feels like real progress today.

With all the exertions I very nearly forgot to do a blip. This is a double exposure composite of my hands throwing shadows on the bed, which I’ve then cropped and processed to add some vibrant colours. Thank you to my blipfriend Nicoiseannie for setting this week’s Wide on Wednesday challenge theme of ‘Shadows’.

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