
By Marionb

Canada Day!

A morning of mist coming off the water, sunshine and calm waters..a day to sit on the dock writing letters to friends and keeping an eye out for wildlife...A day to celebrate the country we love... in the sunshine at last! 

Wildlife report: While "keeping an eye out", I spied what looked like a  head peeking out of the water, but it was far enough away that I could not be sure. I grabbed the camera and gave it a try; the photo turned out blurry of course, and was certainly not a flattering portrait, but it was definitely a head - a turtle -  and then it dove and disappeared. Later, I happened to look up from my laptop and there he was - floating by the dock...but of course, by the time I picked my camera, he had realized he had company and disappeared once again under the water....another  neat blip-op missed! ....I seem to have a lot of those! 

My daughter and SIL arrived up north today and came down to the cottage for a short visit. They stayed on their boat in town tonight and had a front row seat to watch the July 1 fireworks display over the harbour...  and sent the photo in the "extras"...

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