That Will Do!

By flumgummery


We did enjoy our accommodation last night and would happily return but, needs must, we had to continue our journey north.

First we drove to Skipton and walked along the canal, though there was very little activity apart from the odd washing down of the cruise boats so we cut up into the town to browse the charity shops and the wee market. I saw the milestone on a bridge above Belmont Wharf by the Leeds and Liverpool canal.

Despite the heavy showers we then drove to the Ribblehead viaduct, sat in the car to eat our picnic lunch of a genuine Yorkshire curd tart before a quick trot as far as was necessary to achieve the photo in the extra, before the lens became wet 

After this we just headed for Storth to stay with our friend C and, what do you know, while we were seated in a restaurant in Arnside, the sun was blazing through the window and reflecting on the river.

Oh well, home tomorrow.

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