Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


The only one of the year so far - thanks to SueJay50, who very kindly sent me some seeds from last year :):)

This one has randomly flowered in the middle of a tub on the front porch that is full of violas still :)

I've had a bit of a bad day, as my the sat nav on my phone took me very odd ways to get to my interview, thanks to the redirections for the Henley Regatta (which doesn't start til tomorrow!), and consequently I was a good 15 minutes late.  Added to which my car has decided to give me its old problem of the emissions light coming on, thankfully only orange; but just the same its worrying, as I really will need to be driving every day when I start my job proper.

Then I got an email from the council benefits team, saying that my council tax benefits have been suspended :(:(  This is because the DWP have told them due to changes....  the only changes being that I've changed from Jobseekers Allowance to Universal Credit.  Grrrrrrrrrrrr....  

Anyway, I have sent some bank statement copies off straightaway as asked (hope they don't lose them this time!!!).

Anyway, its not put me in a good mood, as my accounts are in bad enough state :( 

Can't wait to hear that I've passed all the vetting for the police...surely it must be soon...there can't be anything major, I hope!!!

Anyway, that's been my day!

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