Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Red Valerian

I think?  

For Wildflower Week with thanks to Miranda1008 :)

Some of the others (extra) I think I know and others I don't or can't clarify - anyone fill the gaps??

Top left - Yarrow
Top middle - St Johns Wort
Top right - ? don't know

Bottom left - Alkanet - thanks to Shutterup
Bottom middle - more red valerian?
Bottom right - pink valerian- thanks to Shutterup

2nd extra - reflections on canal walk.

Bit of an emotional day today.  I think I'm still in fall out from Friday as still in quite a lot of pain and it didn't help that this stupid woman forgot to take any painkillers this morning :(

(So I had my job centre appointment, and met the most lovely man who is my work coach for the universal credit thing...   Anyway - he invited me to go into a 'quiet room' which really helped with my hearing as otherwise I could hear everyone else but what he was saying (with my hearing aid in)).  

What I couldn't believe was that he said I'm doing 'too much'  job hunting considering I already have a job and just waiting for clearance.  I have to do some - but maybe only two to four hours a day instead of 35 hours a week.  Also that my Volunteer role is counted as 'looking for work' with Universal Credit!!!!  And he says I should find out more stuff, relating to my current disability.  He has sent me a few links and expects me to have read all this when I talk to him on the phone next week).  I was so relieved that I cried, how embarrassing!!  But he was so nice...

I am so very thankful that I now have someone who understands the pain and anxiety I have been going through with everything for once (and he is going to be having words 'with someone upstairs' about me as well apparently).

Since I got home, I've been watching more of the 3rd series of Unforgotten and trying to find my Sky remote, as I'm sending the whole streaming thing off tomorrow - I put it in a safe place, and I can't find it anywhere now :(  Its being collected in the morning - then that's the end of it!!

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