Street Art

I came across this interesting street art whilst I was walking with other photographers on a Thoroughfayre Photography tour with John Angerson.  It was a very good 'history' tour, for instance in the extra we learnt there was a fountain and allotments, where its now a bit of a mess. I've mislaid the map I was given, but will try to add to extras later.  

Otherwise I've made a collage of some other shots I took.  Its difficult concentrating on photography when you're on a limited time tour though...

(we were very lucky not to get soaked in a shower whilst going around)

This afternoon I have been cutting up square of fabric for my online course, and getting used to painting with fabric paints on the fabric. Actually quite difficult to make solid blocks of colour...  I will show you some of that another day.

Usually roast salmon and veg tonight.  Now I'm off to bed as feeling quite tired already.

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