
By carliewired

78 F/ 26 C

It's a soggy start
to our Canada Day but
there is clearing now


I left the house at 6:30 thinking the sky was as bright as it could get on such a wet morning. It's Canada Day and the end of a long holiday weekend. I don't remember another Canada Day that was so soggy! 

I was in McArthur Island Park to I get a look at my mountains in the mist and a shot along the river looking to the city. 

I parked near the boat launch on the east side of the park. Getting out of my car I startled a mama duck with her babies. She turned tail and ushered her little brood down to the slough. I followed her there and found a few Canada geese with their almost grown offspring. They float out to midstream in the slough where they feel safe. 

I took a quick jaunt around the flowers in the Xeriscape Garden while getting my socks wet. 

I headed out the east gate to discover two bucks grazing along the sidewalk. They paid no attention to me at all. 

The plumber contacted me yesterday to say he expected to be at my house today midmorning. I sure hope so! 

I'm in for this drippy day. It will be feet up all day!

***Yesterday, I posted my collage on Facebook with a link back to my blipfoto page for those who want to read my little journal entry. I've done this very thing for several years now. Facebook removed my post telling me that it was spam and indicating severe consequences should this continue. Personally, I think Facebook has much bigger problems than my collage each day. 

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