85 F / 29 C

We are one hundred
and fifty-six years young this
very day -  Hooray!!!


I was up at 6:30 and across the bridge to Mission Flats by 7. I passed on the pancake breakfast underway at Riverside Park. Canada Day will have to go on without me this year. I may look forward to fireworks this evening after dark which I can view from my deck. 

At the end of Mission Flats I got a panorama of the Thompson River to the delta. It is a beautiful morning with lovely reflections. 

I don't usually encounter Canada geese in this area but this morning I seemed to disturb a small flock that was bedded down on the river's edge. I couldn't see them, but suddenly a number of plops made me look over the bank. The geese had quietly launched themselves into the river and were looking back at me as an intruder. I couldn't find a Canada flag to photograph this morning, so these geese will have to do. 

I got a look back to my mountains and across the river to some homes along the river in Brocklehurst. I found some wild flowers along the river bank but I hesitate to identify them as truly wildflowers. In the city limits, cultured plants do go astray. 

My last shot on the way back home shows a large display of chicory blooming bright blue along Mission Flats Road. My friend M has painted me just such a view. 

I'm in for another quiet day. I have my feet up in my recliner. 

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