
By Teasel

The Seaside

I slept late again today, but felt much better than yesterday.  It was another lovely day, but still windy – though not as wild as yesterday morning.  I had a slow start, but then took myself out for a wee walk around the block before heading out for a run.  It was hard work running into the wind, and although it was quite cloudy when I headed out, the sun broke through and it got hotter.  I was glad to get home after about six miles.  I collapsed in the garden.
Later in the afternoon, following a disagreement about lunch,  TT and I took ourselves out for a walk.  We parked in Dirleton and walked down to Yellowcraig, along the beach and back through the dunes.  It was lovely, but we were both glad we had  jumpers with us as the breeze was chilly.  We came home via the supermarket where we picked up some stuff for a barbeque.  TT was in charge of the barbie (as usual!).  it wasn’t warm so I mainly stayed inside, and did some housework.

I also got news today that my friend's first grandchild was born yesterday.  I attended the baby shower a good few weeks ago.  Lovely news - and all doing well.  
Later there was another James Bond movie.  Tonight it was Goldeneye.  As ever I watched a wee bit, but I was struggling to keep my eyes open, so I went to bed.
This ia a view from the beach to Fidra and beyond to Fife.  The viper’s bugloss was in full bloom all around (extra), and the bees were loving it.

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