
By Teasel

Nungate Bridge

I was going to get up when TT went off to work, but I was too tired, so I ended up getting up late.  I am telling myself I needed the sleep.  To be honest I have felt a bit weary and sinusy all day, so I had a very quiet morning.  It took me some time to get going.  It was very windy, so I had no desire to go for a run, in fact I had no desire to go out at all.  I did a load of washing which would have dried in minutes, if it stayed on the line long enough.  I waited until early afternoon to hang it out, when the wind had dropped a bit – though it was still windy. I pottered most of the morning, doing very little, but feeling guilty for not getting stuck into some chores.
BB appeared about noon, looking for lunch!  I repurposed some leftovers from the fridge for that purpose.  Later in the afternoon I decided I had to get myself out of the house – but it rained,  we had a few heavy showers, but I did eventually drag myself out for a river walk, and it was lovely.  I came home via the supermarket with a few things and made some food for BB.  It was a quick tea for him and a snack for me.  He was off out with friends, while I was off to meet BB as we had tickets for the Scottish Chamber Orchestra who were playing locally. 
The concert was wonderful.  The down side was I couldn’t really see anything, as we were on the same level as the orchestra, we were sitting quite far back, and although I had an empty seat in front of me initially (and a bit of a view), a tall man then moved in to it and I could see very little.  As we hadn’t eaten we decided to pick up an Indian takeaway on the way home, which we both really enjoyed.
We then planned to watch a bit of Glastonbury, we were not all that interested in the acts, and TT went to bed.  BB appeared home and he and I gave a bit more time to Glastonbury, but not much.  Then I went to bed and left him watching.
This is a view through Nungate Bridge this afternoon.

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