The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Writers of the Forest of Dean

We went to Coleford today, to attend a history walk. Our group of 3 (comrade A, F who is 90, and I) went on the  around-town walk. We learned many interesting facts about the history of Coleford. It had two railways; before that a tramway; the area was rich in iron ore as well as coal. There are many grade two listed buildings looking seriously dilapidated. I'm going to go back during the week some time and visit the railway museum. Pop over to Monmouth as well, maybe.  There is only one charity shop, sadly, but there is in an independent cinema. If I was suddenly billeted there (during the next war, perhaps, in a parallel life), I'd survive.

Of course I chose the writers'mural for my blip. With my trip to Belfast and Derry still fresh in my mind, it was wonderful to see a mural.celebrating the power of books and words to transform lives.

Afterwards we were served a tea, which was not WI-stsndard, but good enough. Earlier I'd had a cup of tea served to me by the mayor, who was wearing his chain of office. He then went off to another civic function, and came back to pour tea for us again, this time in his civillian clothing. 

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