The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

A touch of the forest in Stroud

I got a different room today, one with a tree-view. Nothing of note happened at work, apart from a fire alarm going off unexpectedly. A father and a small child in the nurse's room next door looked most alarmed. I tried to reassure them. It was a false alarm, needless to say. All the doctors came out of their rooms with their masks on and their hands over their ears: it was very loud. 

Nipped out at lunchtime to buy some CoVid tests. I don't have symptoms, but half of Stroud seems to have it, so they may come in handy.  I bought a box of 6 for 10 pounds. Never had to buy them before!

Walked home. Indie is meowing like crazy. Steve was watching football, but it was so boring that he switched over to Morse, sponsored by Assistive Bathing! Our mother used to love watching Morse on TV. I'm enjoying the 80s vibe. 

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