madwill's world

By madwill

Emergency Raspberry Blip (ERB)

Well we had our family barbecue today…fortunately it stayed dry…although not brilliantly warm. The sun did attempt to shine a few times :-)

One of the first jobs when the granddaughters arrived was to go and pick some raspberries from the garden…we seem to be having a good year for fruit after a total failure last year. Youngest granddaughter was eating as many as she collected for the pot - they are rather delicious. I did manage to grab a shot of one before they all disappeared. I also picked  half a dozen strawberries (the entire crop at the moment).

All gone home now and barbecue is cleaned and ready for the next event :-)

Eldest granddaughter (who was ten on Wednesday) enjoyed her presents and has had a lovely extended birthday week…meals out, bowling with friends and a cinema trip!

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