
By biddy

I see an Elephant!

I took this yesterday when we got off the bus to go and see our friends.
So my apologies!
These elephants are appearing in various places and towns, to raise money for the St Giles Hospice which is based in Whittington near Lichfield. They will be auctioned off at the end of September.
It is where Stephen goes to see people in his rôle as a bereavement counsellor.
Currently we have one eye on the England v Slovakia football in the Euros,
No comment.
Another round of voting in the French elections today.
All over bar the shouting for ours this coming Friday.
No comment on that either
There was an incident in the road where our inner city church is situated so it was closed with a huge police presence this morning, We were contacted by social media to say the car park was closed too.
So those of us who drive there were unable to go.
The service went ahead but with far fewer people in attendance.
As our services are live-streamed we could still watch it,

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