A Friendship heart……for you.

……..given to me by a very dear friend.
I am posting a photo of it today for all of you who left lovely comments and hearts on my 5 years of Blips yesterday! I didn’t even know I’d reached the dizzy heights of 1825 blips!
Last year on my 4th year anniversary we were on our favourite beach in Cornwall.
The blip community is so supportive and gives me glimpses into other everyday lives with all of their ups and downs, joys and sorrows. Different countries and climates, customs and culture.
Some of you people I now count as friends, even though we have never met.
This is all down to the amazing technical team who keep this site up and running, without them Blip wouldn’t function.
So a huge Thankyou from me.
I am so glad I was encouraged to join by my Blipper friend Rainette, 5 years ago. I never imagined then that I would still be here.

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