
By Bom

Derelict Boat

I had a lovely circular walk this morning with H from Blakeney to Cley. It had been raining first thing, but had just stopped by the time of our walk, and it was a lot cooler and windy - so long sleeves, a hat and a jacket were needed. Obviously that didn't apply to the tourists who were wandering around looking miserable in shorts and t-shirts. It was brilliant to walk in the cooler weather, although we were both suffering from hayfever. We stopped for a cuppa at Wiverton Hall cafe and sat in one of the little huts outside - the chairs were dry in there. Suddenly there was a noisy whoosh and two big birds chased each other right past the open door very close to us - I didn't see them well it happened so quickly, but H thinks they were red kites. Then walking back a crow flew out of one of the little alleys and nearly went into me. We also saw a sedge warbler, a whitethroat and a reed bunting. We also saw a shed like structure out on the shingle that we'd not noticed before, and when I edited the photo I took of it, it looked like a little bird hide on wheels. 

This afternoon I watched the Shania Twain concert at Glastonbury which I really enjoyed, then turned over to watch the England match - it's now half time and I'm definitely not enjoying that one!

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