
By Hillyblips

Body language

I'd been up all hours of the night with pre-emptive strikes for Millie for the third night running and in doing so had automatically checked the pond for new emergences. Not a thing. As the morning warmed up and we hit the 7:30 mark I thought I saw wings flutter over by the reeds. Thrilled I changed lenses but had to be flat on the deck.

I bought a new dog with the view of keeping me company with the camera and so she did today. Fabulous to have her lay next to me on the floor snuggled into my armpit whilst I took a few shots. Then it all went a bit wrong. You aren't supposed to eat your subject I'm sure .. but Millie didn't know this. After a nudge the dragon turned around a bit so all good but later after the shoot had finished it was obvious that the dragon wasn't well and wouldn't survive.. Looking from the kitchen I saw wings being carried across the lawn. The wings hadn't properly unfurled something was very wrong with it.  I knew this from the start. Body language. Extra unfurled

Power hosed the drive together and it looks a lot smarter, though on opening the gate Millie made a sneaky bee-line for the road. We are so going to have to be careful.

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