
By Hillyblips

Two of a Kind

Snuggled together, siblings from a swallow nest that must be nearby. There are only 4 chicks this year and the parents today were struggling to bring in food. 

Dad arrived back empty beaked and the kids on the balcony were not happy. It was almost like he was saying look I've got nothing - look in there. The chicks are ok and looking well fed but on a chilly day like today there was nothing flying. Fabulous to see swallows here again this year - very few when you consider the numbers years ago but we are so lucky they visit us.

I'd been up at 3am to let Millie out and was no hassle thankfully, then I woke up later and I was absolutely hanging and honestly couldn't get downstairs.

I did my second walk with her on a lead. Yesterday's was not a success with Poppy in tow so today I knew I had to get a grip with this. We went further without Poppy who was asleep but Millie doesn't like the hard road surface and prefers to trot the verges which is ok at the moment. It's all about the enjoyment of the walk.

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