
By Hillyblips

On the Stage

A baby swallow here on the house roof not Glasto which has been on the radio nearly all day. (I've never been strangely but wish I had).

Dealing with puppy I heard the swallows tweeting outside and dashed out finding my camera on the way and had a short window of the family passing by.

Millie has been an angel. I've had a few puppies in my time but this one honestly is the bees knees and every single doubt I had about doing this has dissipated. Poppy is happy and that is the main thing - she doesn't want to be jumped on but ... she is out of her basket - voluntarily, interested, tracking puppy and actually getting that new lease of life that is so often predicted for which I was hopeful but doubted. I too know Millie will be with me every step of the way with my camera - I think she just gets it - ok - we are only on less than 3 days so be sceptical .. I so want her and me to enjoy the camera life together! 

I've been seeing dragon shots coming in .... aargh and maybe it's not too late to do this together. I hope she will love Owling with me  :))

It has not all been about Millie today though having got up at 5am with the gym at 10:00 I felt like a blancmange  - pt guy was kind and wasn't as harsh as he could have been. 

I am treating puppy as another session at the gym lol - an all day session!

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