
By SparseRunner


The theme of the second morning of the workshop was energy, with talks on large scale approximate modelling for long-term planning, and precise modelling to run large storage batteries. However, we also had one from the Danish company whose software (with HiGHS as the optimization solver) is used by UoE Estates to build a "digital twin" to aid investment. We had a visitor from Estates and, after the talk we went over to Old College to take the workshop group photo, and photos that will be used to publicise the "Estates uses HiGHS" story for internal publicity. 

Since she'd missed out on dinner at Scotts last night, I went for lunch there with incoming PhD student Y, our developer F, colleague J and Y's former supervisor from EDF: British-Chinese-Italian-Polish-French. It was very pleasant, despite the rain sending us in from the terrace. I also presented Y with her zip-up HiGHS micro fleece to recognise her joining the team.

In the afternoon the talks were more varied, and my second talk ended the programme. Then everyone who wasn't leaving immediately headed over to the Pear Tree. As well as chatting at length with a couple of attendees, I managed to introduce Y to our collaborator L from Microsoft Research in Seattle, who has ideas related to her current internship, so she's likely to do the implementation. The last to leave were L, И and I: he headed off to a European vacation with his fiancé, И to a hotel by the airport for an early flight, and I took the bus home.

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