
By SparseRunner


To get into Edinburgh for 08:45 meant an early start for me and И, and in the way we bought orange juice and water to offer in place of the forbidden coffee and tea. I was unable to get my laptop or the PC to talk to the projector, and was thankful for a very swift response to my support call. Hence the Workshop proper started on time with my talk. What followed was a sequence of talks that were mainly by industrial users of HiGHS, but also a couple of technical presentations by our developer F and my colleague J. 

In the lunch break, И had a working lunch with one person who wanted us to give a workshop and support for £14k, and then a meeting with a major UK supermarket chain that wants to fund a PhD student. Following more, generally interesting talks in the afternoon, we had a meeting with someone from a UK energy supplier who has approval to find a PhD. Another company wants to talk to us tomorrow about PhD funding.

Quite how I manage to find worthwhile students and supervisors for these projects is another story: I can't take on them all!

We then wandered over to Scotts Kitchen for dinner. The food was no better than OK, but folk enjoyed themselves. As we left, we met the student group coming to join up with us, and a subset of the whole crowd went on for a drink at Frankenstein's.

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