
By PicturePoems

Garden Textures

Once again the garden provided photographic material for my abstract (with thanks as ever to host Ingeborg for the prompt of 'texture'). The three photos I used were of Leylandii hedging, fir tree branches and Hebe. They're all recoloured and shaped. Then added a 'poster edges' filter and, finally, a 'plastic wrap' filter on Photoshop. 

Been a day of resting. Didn't go to line dancing, which was just as well as I had a migraine-type aura, which happily did NOT develop into much of headache. It was just to keep me on my toes and make sure I'd have something to moan about in Blipland!  Feel so much better than two days ago, and have been doing my exercises and cold compresses like a good'n. 

Hope you've had a nice day, too.

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