
By PicturePoems

Wild and Wonderful

This wild rose at the front of our bungalow was totally running wild when we moved in 21 months ago. I cut it back ruthlessly that autumn, then did the same a year later. This year, after a fairly hard pruning in February, it's looking magnificent - absolutely covered in flowers and yet I can walk all round it without getting my limbs shredded.

Thank you so much for all your kind comments yesterday. Today I did something I've never done before: visited an osteopath. She was brilliant! Did oodles of tests to narrow down the source of the pain, then more as she manipulated my shoulder and neck, moving my head and arms around in various directions. By the time she'd finished, the pain was much reduced. I came away with an ice pack that I have to apply periodically, and a set of exercises.

While I was there, I asked her about cranial massages, thinking they might benefit both tinnitus and migraines. Yes, she does them, but that will be at a separate session. (Time to save up! But she has been worth every penny so far!)

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