My day

By 59

Abstract Thursday — texture

I love the texture of bark so have chosen this as my entry today. 

I’m not feeling great, what a month I’ve had. First up I had suspicious calcifications on a mammogram which required a specialist referral and biopsy. This has turned out to be early stage cancer which hasn’t spread as far as we know. I’m having surgery next week to remove it. I have had to stop my HRT (hormone therapy) which has been feeding the cancer and am now feeling awful having hot flushes, sweating and erratic heart rate. The prognosis should be good but that doesn’t help the symptoms or treatment. I’m just getting over a cold and still doing daily physio for my knee which is going well. I spent half an hour gardening today which was lovely but put my HR up to 150. I’m really sick of myself. 

I’m sure you will support me but if I don’t reply to comments in the next few weeks it’s because I’m hiding under a rock and being a bit unsociable.  

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