
By ayearinthelife

Long Hot Summer

Well, it’s certainly summer - by any definition you care to mention. And it has definitely been hot this week. Long? Not so sure. Forecast for the next ten days is for ten degrees lower temperatures and rain on most days. But, by England standards, three days probably does count as a long summer!
And whilst it has been nice to get the roof down on the car in this warm weather, it was not so pleasant in the gym this morning. A very hot and sweaty PT session meant that most of the rest of the day has been spent half asleep, apart from an excursion to Asda.
However, the threatened rain tomorrow forced me to drag the lawnmower out of the garage and into action this evening. Fortunately, it was a bit cooler by then, so not too bad, and the lawn definitely looks better for having been cut.
I can only hope that we get a longer spell of dry, warm weather later in the year, otherwise I’m going to start questioning the wisdom of owning a convertible!

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