
By ayearinthelife

Piano Man

Stuart and I have not been able to complete the new song we have been working on so, rather than leave ourselves four minutes short in our set, we have decided to resurrect an old faithful we used to play years ago. Back then I played acoustic guitar on it, but now I am on bass so we needed to rejig and update our backing track. In actual fact, Stuart decided to start afresh as the previous backing was done using outdated technology.
Not only can we now make use of AI Drummer technology, but we can also alter the pitch and length of the track to suit the way we are going to play it. And, as an added bonus, we have decided to put some keys on the track so that is what Stu is busy doing. The final result sounds pretty good, and I know what bass line I’ll be playing, so just a case of practising it now.
And, of course, there’s plenty of cow bell. Every song is improved with more cow bell…

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