Monday Monday

If it’s Monday it must be coffee with Stuart in Barrow. Despite the somewhat gloomy forecast, I thought I’d risk going on the bike, and this proved to be a wise decision as not only did the promised rain not materialise, but the preponderance of roadworks and temporary traffic lights on the A590 were swiftly queue jumped!
I did come back via the coast road though, in order to avoid the biggest queue and to enjoy the scenery. It’s a more interesting road to ride as well. Conscious of the need for a blip, I stopped as soon as I hit the coast and grabbed this shot. In the background, you can just make out Piel Island and its castle. A better view than if I’d faced the other way as that would have put Heysham Power Station in the picture!
The rain has continued to stay away so we managed a bit of gardening this afternoon, during which I had a phone call to say my wheels were ready and I could have them refitted tomorrow. Which is going to make what was shaping up to be a busy day anyway, even busier. Maybe need to set the alarm for a change, to make sure we get up early enough to fit everything in…

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