
By Jamjar

Half a galia melon, the remains of my lunch, although it was a bit under ripe.

This morning was my Feldenkrais class, the last one as I was just trying it out, but at some point I'd definitely like to come back to it. My right leg was quite painful, more than just an aching muscle, but the class, with its sequences of gentle movements, eased it somewhat.  I've realised how I've done it now though, it was when I was following Fi up a dirty chimney at Stanage and at one point my right foot was up on the back wall at almost waist height with a dropped knee. Do Not Try This At Home... and I shouldn't have tried it at Stanage,  it didn't help anyway!

I walked up to the allotment and found that the water leak had been fixed, so I watered and I noticed that one of the squash plants had a flower... oooh!

I can't decide whether to go on my Ramblers evening walk later... but I think not. It's a 40 minute drive away and a longer walk than usual, which means that I won't be home until about half past 10. Decision made.

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