A walk with my Ramblers today and I hoped, with it being at Cannock Chase, that it would be reasonably shady. It's true that the trees did provide welcome shade but of course we also walked through more open areas, and it was just sooooo hot, even with the breeze.

John H gave me a lift, which was great, and he actually arrived at the carpark with ten minutes to spare. He often cuts it very fine!

We crossed over the River Trent at about halfway and I was very envious of all the children in the water. I think they may have been mostly Travellers, judging by the number of horses also enjoying the river.

But later on there was a stream and we stopped in the shade for some water, so I grabbed the chance to paddle. I was the only one out of fifteen of us to do so.... no idea why, it was very refreshing!

My knee didn’t fare too badly, all I felt was mild discomfort, it was the heat that made us suffer and most of us had had enough by the end of the walk. We drove down the road to the pub and John and I both enjoyed our pints... of blackcurrant squash!

11.28 miles
But only 715 feet elevation gain 

PS I think my lens is dirty

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