
By Jamjar

I woke up feeling rather achy, but I did no stretching after yesterday's climbing and that really makes a difference to me. At least I didn't wake up at 4.30am again!

I know I have to do something about my strength and it was a choice between the bouldering wall and the gym. Now I've never been much of a one for a gym but gym membership is one third of the price of the bouldering wall per month so no contest, I signed up and my induction is next Monday. If I hate it I can cancel any time so...  I will definitely not be prancing about in leggings though, let's leave that to the youngsters.

I did a Tesco shop, calling at the allotment on the way but, oh no, there was no water. Apparently there's a leak somewhere, but hopefully it won't take long to fix. The veggies will be fine for a few days - I know, from moving a couple of plants at home, that the soil is damp just below the surface.

I went for a walk over the fields, the Radbourne round, to try and loosen my legs up and on my return I did stretch! The photo is of Potlocks Farm from the footpath which I must have walked past no end of times. I thought there might be some information on the net, but I've not been able to find much at all, only this, which doesn't tell you much at all.

There is talk of climbing on Thursday, also talk of a Club meet in Calpe autumn 2025, which would be great, but yet another holiday to save for!!

3.63 miles

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