
By MarilynParker


I did a bit of gardening in the morning but not a lot as my back, hips and knees were hurting and the sweat was dripping off me even though I was in the shade and the day was still warming up. I dug up a plant that is past its best and will pop another one in soon.
I cleaned the shower trap out later this morning - a necessary task that I never feel like doing but thought I had better do it before it gets bad! I try to do it more often so it's easier.
It got to over 27C in the shade in our back garden today and it's too hot for my liking. The washing dried well but I feel more frazzled than the plants.
Terry noticed the squirrel was accessing the squirrel box this morning, helping itself to the monkey nuts and taking most of them off somewhere to stash. I went down to check after it had gone and it had taken the lot! Terry was going to fill it up but I suggested it might be better to do that later on or he might be at it all day ha ha.
Had a nap this afternoon - not that I was tired, just worn out with the heat. I can't cope with hot weather any more.
I sacked that awful book that I had been reading (New Beginnings in Greece) by Ian Wilfred and started one by Sue Roberts and it's much more enjoyable plus it's set on Crete with places we know. I've read quite a few of hers and I'm never disappointed with them. 
I am hoping it's a bit cooler tomorrow but the forecast isn't clear and even if it was, it's not guaranteed to be correct.
BP was raised again this morning before I had the diltiazem. I can't work out why it has been lower unless it was due to the three nose bleeds in 24 hours. anyway, it was raised this morning. Not checked it this evening yet.
June seems to be flying past.
Spoke to Mum this morning and tried to arrange to go and see her (you can't just turn up, you have to agree a convenient time). Today was out as she was feeling a bit off, tomorrow is out as she is at the hairdresser, Wednesday I can't do as I'm out, Thursday she said no because Mike (my younger brother; he is younger by almost 17 years and moved back in with Mum temporarily about 10 years back, maybe longer) does the shopping on Thursday morning and spreads it out on the settee while he puts it away (bizarre reason, I know but this is the norm now) and for Friday she doesn't know yet. Ah well, the phone chats will have to do but they don't last long as a rule. If Mike is out she chats for a while but when he is in she ends calls quite quickly!

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