
By MarilynParker


Terry went to look in the hedgehog house to see if the food needed topping up or replenishing and here was a hedgehog, curled up, asleep. Leaves have been dragged into the house for the last week or so so it must have been planning to sleep here.
Cut both lawns this morning before it got too hot. Done very little this afternoon as it was too hot for work!
I don't like the book I am reading, New Beginnings in Greece by Ian Wilfred. I thought to try this author but I won't try any more of his!
The storyline sounded very good with several characters interacting in what sounded an intriguing story but in fact, I've reached page 38 and I'm already sick to the back teeth of the number of times the nan calls her adult granddaughter "darling". It's every time she talks to her and almost every sentence the woman comes out with. To make it even worse, the young man selling clothes in one of the shops, calls them both darling too.
We finish one page in a chapter with the nan and granddaughter interacting and the next page makes no sense as the person (not made clear) is telling mum they got there alright in their car (we had the others coming by plane then ferry) and only a third of the way (or more) down the page do you realise it's a Greek guy who's arrived from Athens. The author neglected to clarify that the next page moved to different people altogether and did not pop any names into the text to make this clear.
Seems very amateur writing and far too many darlings from supposedly working class folk from England and a Greek shop guy. Does anyone talk like this? Working class folk from England, I mean? Maybe it's my NW blood but we don't do "darling" up here and if we did it wouldn't be anywhere near this often. 
Going to sack the book as I have lots more to read and life is too short to waste reading cr*p!

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