
By Teasel


I was in two minds today about whether to work from home or to go to the office,.  In the end I went to the office.  It was freezing in the office again.  Thankfully I had a spare cardigan there.   It didn’t match what I had on, but it was warm!  I had a good in person meeting with my new boss, which felt positive.
I popped out at lunchtime, walking over Calton Hill.  It was dull, but not too cold, in fact it was probably warmer than in the office.   I had to leave in good time this evening, as we were going to school.,  I got home with just enough time to grab some toast, change my shoes and get ready to head out again, but not before opening some flowers which had been delivered.  A complete surprise, and a very lovely gesture from the colleague who retired recently, to thank me for organising his retirement dinner twice!.  TT appeared just as BB and I were about to leave.  In the end I walked down to school as it was such a lovely evening, and I left TT grabbing a snack before driving him and BB down.  I met TT there.  BB had already run into school.
It was the school awards evening and I think it is the only time we have ever been.  In amongst all the awards, BB and colleagues were being recognised for achieving their gold Duke of Edinburgh awards.  There were only three of them there (out of the five), as the other two were away on holiday.  It was a lovely event, with lots of very talented young people as usual, and thankfully it wasn’t  too long.  When we left, we knew that that was the last time we would be at school, and there will definitely not be any more school shirts to iron!
We headed home via the fish and chip shop, which was a lovely treat for a “school night”!  I then popped out for a few steps, on the longest day of the year.  By the time I got back, I was too tired to do the bit of work that needs to be finished. That means an early morning tomorrow.
I had a blip for today, but I thought my not very great picture of BB’s last time at school should feature to mark the occasion.  BB is to the right of the group.

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