
By Teasel

Evening Sky

Another busy day in the office, and there were lots of colleagues in today so it was also very social.  It was good to catch up with people.  My Fitbit conked out at some point during the day – I think it is on its way out – but I did manage to get it going again this evening.  I need to consider my options for a new smart watch I think.  Work was too busy really, as I didn’t have time to escape at lunchtime.  Just as I was getting ready to go a rather crazy request came in – one that I don’t fully understand.  I have asked a colleague to try and get a couple of calls set up tomorrow morning, so we can work out what it is all about.
The house was empty when we got home this evening.  BB was out with R.  When he reappeared, he announced that he has been offered a job, and was told he had done well at the interview.  Hurrah!!  It’s a zero hours contract, and I don’t imagine he will earn very much, but it gives him something to do, if he can get some shifts.  He also had to pop into school today and he took wee gifts and cards in for a couple of teachers.  He said they were delighted and that he thought one was going to cry.
The boys were watching football, so I left them to it, and went out for a walk.  It was such a lovely evening, I walked much further than I had intended, but it did make up for my lack of steps. 
The sky was constantly changing this evening when I was out – it was just lovely.

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