
Back to work for me, but at least it’s a short working week.  As ever I started my day with a walk, then had to settle down at my laptop to catch up on all the emails .  Unfortunately my morning was back to back meetings.
I was planning to pop out for a quick lunchtime walk, but the rain came on.  Thankfully it wasn’t as bad as I had seen on the weather forecast. I think we must have been right on the edge of the rain.  I had hoped to make it out for a walk at some time this afternoon, but that didn’t happen.  Didn’t make it out this afternoon as there were too many meetings.
BB appeared home from a hard day at school(!), and then disappeared out again.  I was on tea again – pasta with salmon and pesto, which was rather nice.
I had to go out for a long walk this evening to make up for my lack of steps.
There are still birds on shop windows from the recent Haddstock festival. This one is in the window of one of our newest shops. I never found them all.

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