Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto


The day started okay and went downhill thereafter. No need to read; this is so that I have a record of the day’s events.
I took out the vegetable compost to the bins on the other side of the orchard and decided that I would look in the small pond for frogs. As I approached the pond I tripped and landed with my face in the rockery on the far side of the pond and with my arms in the pond water. I went in doors with blood streaming down my face thinking I had broken my teeth. No, it was my spectacles that were badly scratched.
I rand SpecSavers and they could fit me in at 1430 hours. I will go on the train as I did not want to drive wearing my previous prescription glasses. As I approached the railway station on this side of the lane, the board had it as scheduled and on time. Two minutes later after crossing the railway bridge the board had changed to delayed. I checked the app and it said it would be running again at 1300 hours. Plenty of time to get to my appointment. However, at 1300 hours it was then delayed until 1415 hours. So nothing for it but to drive. There were traffic lights and road closures everywhere, but fortunately I know many of the back roads. I found a space at the park and ride, but as I approached the park and ride bus, the driver closed the doors and grinned. Some of them seem to take delight in doing this although those driving the village buses do not do so. I got to the appointment only two minutes late.
As I have reactor lights, elite lenses and several coatings I need to have two new lenses otherwise they will not work correctly together. £275 later I decided that a cup of coffee before I caught the park and ride bus home. This was a big mistake and I should have gone straight home.
After my coffee I walked to the bus stop, knowing I had just missed a park and ride bus; ten minutes to wait. The bus duly arrived, but the driver informed the queue that this bus was going out empty; there will be another one in two minutes. Ten minutes later the next bus arrived and the driver announced that it was stopping at the railway station and Addenbrookes only; there will be another one in two minutes time. Ten minutes later other bus arrived, the driver got out locked the bus and walked away; his shift had finished and the next driver had not arrived. This driver did fetch his supervisor who did not know why the driver had not appeared, he gave all kinds of excuses about traffic lights not working, lots of people, drivers out of hours and road closures. Perhaps it was just as well I was not close enough to talk to him. Another bus will be here soon; it was and a very irate queue of people filled the bus. By then I had been waiting forty minutes and I was the first person to arrive.
It took ages for the bus to get to Addenbrookes where there were two park and ride buses waiting. Our bus emptied the people who wanted to get off, but did not pick up any passengers. The road, which I can walk in twenty minutes, has traffic lights. People walking were going faster than the bus and passengers were very irate by now; the driver broke all the rules and allowed people to get off along the way and walk the rest of the way; I decided I had sat on the bus long enough I was not going to walk now. I did think, at the time, that I should get on the bus, which was going only as far as Addenbrookes and walk, but it was very hot and I did not expect the saga to continue. It took two and a half hours for me to get from the town centre to home; a journey of eighteen miles.
Today’s picture is of the disaster which started the rest of the problems; the scratched lens.

And before you ask, no I did not see any frogs.
The temperature at noon today was twenty-three degrees Celsius.  

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