A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

... and Friend

A full, varied and enjoyable day.  After breakfast we wandered around Shrewsbury using a suggested guide book from the B&B.  Shrewsbury has some interesting historic architecture juxtaposed with a moderate scattering of large 60's carbuncles, and very friendly people.

In both churches that we peered into (St Chads, the largest circular nave church; and the Abbey, of mixed Norman and Victorian heritage) we were warmly, informatively, but not intrusively welcomed. 

In the afternoon we met up with NatureWatcher at the British Ironwork Centre and Sculpture Park - being a mutually convenient location and it looked interesting.  It's where the Knife Angel was made.

It's a slightly weird place, sculptures skilfully made out of scrap spread out over a vast area with a lot of over-done ethical messages - none of which I disagreed with per se, but it did smell a bit of greenscreening given that I gather the company's own behaviour isn't entirely consistent with those ethics.

Anyway, we had a great chat as we wandered around and finished off with a cuppa.

Yet another church in the evening, but one converted to a hotel and bar - for a light dinner.

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