A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer

Mynd the Gap

On the way back from Shrewsbury but with detours.  Firstly for a walk on the Long Mynd - taking the 'waterfall' route that we'd not done before.

Carding Mill Valley was, as is not unusual, full of flipfloppers and school children - the latter we have no problem with and were pleased to discover that the National Trust pay for coaches to bring children out from inner city areas.

Once up on the hills there were very few people around - but a couple of wild horses which looked like they may have been the ones we'd come across years ago. - certainly the same appearance.

Thence on to Ludlow - a place we had given a good look when B&B hunting a decade ago.  Had we found a suitable property we could easily have ended up there.  However, we here to meet with friends J & E from Cambridge days. A visit tinged with sadness as, after multiple strokes, E is now in a nursing home.

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