Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Berry nearly!

Having failed on the blip front today I nipped out into the garden to see what was looking photogenic and decided that the blackcurrants should have pride of place! I've hardly looked at them over the last couple of weeks, but it looks like a good crop this year. The gooseberries, of which there is only one small bush at the moment, are looking good too, this is only their second season and they are still in a pot which is not an ideal place for the bush to develop. That was another missed intention of last autumn. Must do better this year.
The older girls and their mum stayed over last night and when I got up this morning they were dressed and breakfasted, well, two of the three were the other had a later start. I took Isobel to her gymnastics class then came back for my own more leisurely breakfast. Eilidh was next, to the cathedral for her regularly Saturday morning Ring out for Climate Change session she's the second generation of my girls to ring the cathedral bells. Katy did it for her bronze Duke of Edinburgh. It used to give me nightmares taking her along the open ridge of the cathedral roof on dark wet winter Thursday nights. I had to have Ali with me occasionally too, she must have only been about seven. Take a look at the height of the bottom of that ridge some time when you walk along Melville Street, after walking along the bottom edge of it, we then had a little wooden ladder up the outside of the ridge to the ringing chamber in the next tower!
The joys of parenthood!
After her cathedral bellringing session, Eilidh headed off to meet up with her Guide friends to join the Pride March.
I picked up Isobel from gymnastics next and brought her home for lunch, at 1pm she had a birthday party to attend. What a social life they have. By the time I got home I was ready for a nap!

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