Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


It's been lovely having Ali and the little girls staying for the last couple of nights and quite delightful to see how much Josie adores her sister. Bonnie's response to Josie is lovely to watch too as she becomes more communicative and reactive. She's recently discovered that she had two hands and that they can do different things! She's six months old next week, time really does fly
We've had the older two girls with us today as well and in fact Ali and her two have gone home and Katy and her two are here overnight. Hot bunking!
She's on call overnight and her husband on nights, so being here is less disturbing for the sleepers than me going there. It was fun having all four children here for a couple of hours. I love to see them interacting. I'm so glad they are able to grow up knowing each other properly.
Tomorrow the social whirl of gymnastics, parties, Pride March, and bell ringing for Climate change continues. We're off duty from lunch time.

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