
By Marionb

Nap Time!

We are still in a heat wave and at least the geese and apparently one swan, know enough to lay low until cooler weather comes along! 

No running about, no following visitors around begging for food, no taking flight for no particular reason..There they were, just lounging by the water, snoozing, ignoring all that was going on around them.... birdwatchers, photographers, the occasional cyclist?.. nope, not of interest. It was just too hot...zzzz

And then, as I was leaving, for some reason they all stood up together and started toward the water en masse as if someone had decided nap time was over. (extra) It looked as if they were all going to go in for a swim, but no, they stopped short, as if reconsidering and did not; I guess it was just too much effort? 

I know how they feel was too hot for me too...but despite the heat, I had a really enjoyable walk on a flat path through the woods and along the beach in soft sand, and met some interesting folks who seemed to be regular visitors and who had a lot of helpful info about what birds were where this week...

It was another day to mark off as having fulfilled my obligations to get out every day and move.  I am on a streak....

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