
By Marionb

A Little Rain Must Fall

..but why does it have to be when I am just getting into my car to go to the lake for my prescribed walk. Yes I have a prescription to walk - doctor's orders - but in a heat wave?  I missed the morning, so 'twas best to wait until evening..

So..the rains came, but I went anyway - with raincoat - and voila! In the downpour, the hordes of folks down there by the lake ran for cover and departed, leaving some parking spots! Bonus! And then it stopped..and I  could walk the wharf and promenade almost in private! 

The lighting for photos was dark of course, but there some neat reflections in the wet pavement.. and it was interesting to look to the sunset and away from it (extra) to see the differences in lighting..(it takes so little to amuse me) 

The most exciting part of my day was my first visit with Matthew, my physiotherapist. What a nice fellow - so willing to listen and take note of my concerns. Of course, he has cleverly started me out with some easy tasks which will get me into the habit of doing them every day..heh of those challenges I have never been able to overcome ..doing something every day..oh, except eating - I do that every day with no problem! 

So my days are getting rather "scheduled" walk, my exercises and my Duolingo French lessons (one must always be  looking ahead to future trips...) and of course trying to keep up with blipping...

Speaking of trips..

Another exciting part of the day was booking cottage number three for my trip to the UK this fall - this one in Gloucestershire. Progress is being made, but I have lost my touch; planning this trip has been more of a challenge than it used to be. Indecisiveness reigns. It is taking me ever so long to get the time-block puzzle pieces put together! 

My brain is feeling its age...

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